Cluster maps

Cluster maps

Monday, 7 March 2016


From 2011,there have been 139 Garda stations closed all around Ireland. Within Dublin alone there  have been six stations closed and 10 stations reduced making Dublin the worst affected county. We closed these stations during the recession as part of the rationalisation programme. By closing these stations the government saves €556,000. That's only 4,000 per station closed down.

The government then went on and sold all of these stations. Due to this we now must buy back the buildings if they are to be used again as Garda stations. Which will only cost the government more money in the long run. Most of these stations had the community built around them which means by the stations closing down the community that relied on them is taking the strain.

Information from:

Thursday, 3 March 2016


Hello my name is Jamie. This blog is about the Garda Stations in Ireland which have been shut down and sold by the government during the recession. In this blog I will go through a sample of different stations which have been closed down in the recent years. Thank you for looking and reading my blog. I hope you enjoy.